Saturday, May 09, 2015


So I have an assignment, and I am contemplating on deleting a damn good paragraph (which includes a good pun, so you see why).

Hello, anyway.

I have to upload or post it somewhere (hence, this blog), and mind you, it is not edited, so there will be stupid grammatical errors, and elementary school-like sentences. BUT OH WELL, that ain't happening if it ain't by me, yeah?

            Colin Firth when he was a teenager was a social outcast, just like most teens, including myself. Mr. Firth had gone places when he was a child – growing up in Nigeria and the United States for a few years – and the way he was being brought up influenced his attitude then, and later as a rebellious teenager. Academia was not his liking, and he has always envisioned how he would become an actor. But Mr. Firth once said in an interview how a teacher got him moved my literature. To be honest, I am somewhat similar to Mr. Firth (definitely not the BAFTA-winning department; or remembered as Fitzwilliam Darcy, drenched in the pond from the 1995’s Pride and Prejudice), but I am not a person who enjoys burning the midnight oil, facing the textbook all the time. I enjoy literature, and learn a lot by doing my own researches and observations. Mr. Firth also have a sense of class; the way he speaks, the way he walks, the way he smiles, the way he portrays his character.

So, you see what I did there? And let me backfire my pun.

Fitzwilliam Darcy was drenched after swimming in a fucking lake, not a fucking pond.

Yes, I am ashamed to confess this, but I am a twenty-year-old who does not know the difference between these vast, water-filled ponds.

Pond, lake, sea, ocean, yadda yadda yadda... whatever. Same difference.

Oh well, till then.

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