Saturday, April 06, 2013

How I Hate Seeing Things That I Hate............. Fan-Fic Ver.

I love fan-fiction and I write them all the time (well that's a lie, of course not right now, but I'm suffering writer's block). I'm not a perfect writer and I can confess now that I hate all the fan-fictions that I've written in my life. My point on writing this is me writing my views as a reader. Other people who reads my fan-fics might hate mine, and my being a reader have my own limitations. What limitations, you ask? I'll list few of them and if we have some similarities, BAM! we're a team.

ALERT BEFORE READING (even if there is anyone reading or not): This will sound extremely harsh but guys, I'm just helping those people who didn't have a heart to point out your mistakes at your face. So now, without even pointing to 'the whos', you can agree or not agree with me. This is only for self-reflective so if you can't swallow reality that there are people who might dislike your fan-fiction, you'd better read go and read a fan-fic or write fan-fictions (if not perfectly) better. We'll kick this off in 3... 2...

Number one is... your style of writing! No one wants to read something hurts their eyes. But sure, there are style of writing, you see. It should be in the most simplest and if standard-est was an English word, I'd use standard-est. Less eye-hurting and less annoying. I notice that sometimes in a certain fan-fiction, someone often forget to do proper spacing, proper punctuation, etc. That's the basic of basics. When you write even on paper, your handwriting must be readable and the spacings are... spacings. It's the same when you type. You want people to read, understand and love your fan-fic. When you want the mentioned to happen, you must make it readable. Readable means proper spacing, proper punctuation and proper whatever. I can tolerate with this because sometimes, accidentally not on purpose, I do these mistakes. Ticks myself off when I did it. Sudden bold is extremely distracting. Do you like to read it like this for the whole fan-fic you're reading? Sure you don't. It hurts your healthy eyes. Unless you're trying to differentiate inner mutterings (or thoughts, haha) and exaggeration a word or two, you can use bold or italic.

Secondly... picture between texts! This is the least I can tolerate. One thing I would tell you writers who does this - as soon as I saw these pictures, I'll just press that backspace button on my keyboard and search for another eye-satisfying fan-fic. To be honest, you've just described a certain thing but why do you need to make things clearer with a picture later? Honestly, it makes your fan-fic distorted. You just need to be imaginative to describe, you don't have to add a picture. It makes you and the reader less and less imaginative. Let's take an example: I as a normal student while you're a smarter one. I don't know the answer to a question and I turn to you for help. Instead of asking 'a help', I ask you for the answer. Wouldn't you be offended by me who just offended your ability in teaching? By the way, I DON'T READ PICTURES, I LOOK AT THEM! The point of writing a fan-fic is to make people read your writing, not reading a picture. This is no book, this is a laptop screen you're dealing with. Furthermore in AFF (or any other sites like, they allow you to add a picture before your story-telling session starts. I hope you understand this problem.

Third would be... grammar, spelling, vocabulary and etc. This does not limit to the usage of English language, but I can tell if you write in French or German or Thai, you do have these either. This is the biggest for every imperfect souls... like me and this is important. Frankly, I hate language classes because of this. If you're writing in English and English isn't your first language, then it's problematic. You're afraid for people to read your writings because you'll think they'll laugh at you or mutter "Why is this person even writing when his/her grammar is terrible?" I have those worries in my mind (and basically I'm trying to tell you that you're not alone) because I beta/edit my own writings by myself. But fret not, there is a way for you to get over all of your useless worries: ask someone you trust to beta/edit your fan-fic! Beta-reader usually reads and re-edit your fan-fiction (or any of your writings). Grammar isn't not common to people whom English is their second/third language. I presume that you should know the differences between is, are, was, were, singular, plural, past tense, present tense, future tense and other whatnot you learn in English class and you must know how to use it. I don't deny that there are people who laugh at the mistakes and instantly searches for another fic to read because they're very perfect in English. To me, grammar is crucial even though I'm very, very, very, very bad at it. If you notice in this post, there are many grammar mistakes that I've done and you know what? I DON'T CARE but I do care when it comes to me writing my fan-fiction because I'm trying to buff-up my English. To avoid people laughing at you, you have to learn the basics of it. As for spelling (this is another personal problem of mine), sure you've seen the red wiggly line under a word you've typed. That shows that you've just made a spelling mistake. Right-click it and you can find some of the correct spelling suggestions... unless you spelled it wrong on purpose. As for vocabulary, I confess that my vocab isn't very wide either. This does not mean that it's a bad thing because this is tolerable to me. It's a good thing because as long as you make it as interesting as you can, you have don't have to doubt your success. But just to be better, you should read and write more just to increase your reading and writing comprehension. Remember, practice makes perfect!

That's it! I apologize if I was too harsh, but this is for the better. Everyone wants to be heard, no? You want people to read your fan-fictions, then that's me guiding you with the basics. These are actually the examples of what I've seen people arguing on my timeline and my own reading experience. My senior once told me that fan-fiction is a practice to writing an original (as in a real huge and thick novel). Even 50 Shades of Grey was originally a fan-fiction of Twilight! Pretty much nothing is impossible, right? ;) And sorry for the grammar/spelling mistakes; I'm just so lazy to check, and people, don't be like me! :P

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